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Ankor Fit System

Scenic sunset with water, mountains and sky
“The journey of 10,000 steps means...
you don’t know where the hell you are unless you first know where you’ve actually started.”
- Literally no one, but it’s still true

4 Anchors of Health and Wellness

Goal Setting

Without having a clear vision, and ways to quantify progress, you’re just spinning your wheels. My job isn’t to tell you what to do. It’s to empower you to discover for yourself what you truly want and what the best way to get there is for you. I believe there are four pillars of fitness that anchor a person to a healthy, well balanced life.

Headshot of a personal trainer in a gym
Man at a track working out with kettlebells



In order to make real, life long progress you need to first know where you are. Assessment and re-assessment is key to figuring and maintaining direction. Postural and movement assessments, along with targeted programming to restore and optimize movement, will ensure you get there in a safe, incremental, lasting way.



Learning how to portion food, what is healthy and how much of it you need is only the beginning. All of us have behaviors surrounding food. Unless we recognize those behaviors that prevent us from reaching our goals, we can’t course correct. Emotions will win out over logic every time. After identifying those behaviors that are preventing you from reaching your goals, we can then discover the triggers for those behaviors and begin to create an environment more conducive to positive change.

Fit shirtless man holding tray of healthy food
Woman sitting on floor meditating



Recovery is now a hot topic in the fitness industry, but many people either don’t have the knowledge, or feel that they don’t have the power to change their recovery habits. Again it’s all about identifying behaviors and reshaping the environment to affect positive change. Looking at all the stressors in life, not just the workouts, is key to understanding how to balance it all.  Training needs to be pliable in order to adjust to the stressors of work, family and current events. Recovery is equally as important as performance. Otherwise, there will be little advancement.



Mindset is by far the biggest contributor to stagnation and holding on to behaviors that prevent us from attaining our goals. It’s also the hardest to change, because it’s all intangible. Through coaching behavior change, we can figure out what your biggest roadblocks are and together build strategies that you can stick to. By incorporating small changes over time you can achieve permanent, life-long results.

Man at gym listening to music on headphones
Man on rocks looking out at ocean

Some Words of (Hopefully) Wisdom

“I never actually said that”    - Confucius

At the end of the day it’s up to you to make the choices, put in the hard work (even when no one else is holding you accountable), and educate yourself.  You are both the grand experiment and the unbiased observer. You must be willing to accept where things are now, acknowledge when something is working (even if you don’t really like doing it), and when something isn’t (no matter how much you may value it). You must be willing to let go of things that aren’t helping you and embrace new things that could. That way you can make faster course corrections and stop spinning your wheels. Let’s just say the average fitness enthusiast works out 3x/week at 1 hour per workout to see real progress. That still leaves another 165 hours/week that you have to take ownership of. That’s a ratio of 55:1. For every 1 hour spent exercising there are still 55 more hours that you need to be accountable for. That’s 55 hours to potentially negate any progress you made during that 1 hour of exercise. You must have strategies in place to ensure that those other 55 hours are well spent; every week, every month, every year literally for the rest of your life.

A good coach will help inform and guide you to strategies that reshape those other 165 hours/week, but ultimately it’s on you to put those strategies into action. You are exactly where you are right now because you are choosing not to act, or you’re trying to act but don’t know how. Circumstances can suck and sometimes be brutal, but will you continue to let circumstance define you, or use it to help motivate you out of your current situation?


The journey of 10,000 steps really does begin with one thing: a change in perception. An interesting thing about perception is, while it can take a really long time to shift, when it finally does it’s usually immediate and often permanent. That's the kind of real change a good coach can help you create.

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